Sunday, July 10, 2011

Pee-Pee Pics

So, I know it's been a while since I've posted here, but, well, it is summer.  I'll leave it at that.

Hope summer is treating you all well so far.  So far, for me, it's been great. 
  • I've been spending some amazing quality time with Molecule (yes, I'm still having fun with Science - click here and here and here to read about having fun with science).  It's been doubly great because he lives far enough from San Francisco that it is actually warm and summer-like.  The other weekend we actually went swimming at 11pm - something you can't do in San Francisco in summer - way too cold.
  • I took a vacation with a group of friends and witnessed some of the same dating shenanegins on the East Coast as we have here on the West Coast
  • I went to my sister's wedding with Molecule
  • And, I've been spending time with my gang of friends

I've been thinking about a few topics to write about here, and the first one I'll try to tackle is the "Pee-Pee Pic" as I've coined them.

What is a Pee-Pee Pic, you might ask?  Well, it is a term I've coined for pics that get texted or emailed to you of a pee-pee, wiener, penis, etc.

I have several friends (girls and guys) who have received full-frontal pee-pee pics from guys they are getting to know.  Yeah, "getting to know" is a bit of an understatement.

Having friends who receive these types of pictures repeatedly made me wonder - really - what possesses a guy to send a picture of their junk, ESPECIALLY including their face?  Have they not learned a lesson from Brett Favre (click here to see/hear - pee-pee pics at approximately the 2:08 mark) or, more recently, Anthony Weiner (2 of his pee-pee pics below)?  I mean, people talk, and people share, so OF COURSE, pics of junk are going to be shared and spread faster than the clap.

Whatever happened to waiting a bit and uncovering the pee-pee slowly?  When you get a preview via text, does it spoil all the fun of getting to know what's down there over the natural course of time?  If the pee-pee is overly small or misshapen in some way, would that preclude you from sending a pee-pee pic?  What if the recipient doesn't like what he or she sees?  I know, I know, so many questions.  But, seriously, pee-pee pics crack me up.

And, the pee-pee pics aren't limited to men...  Girls can share their own version of the pee-pee pic too...

The same questions I have for the guy pics apply to the girl pics too...  After you hit send, are you worried about what the guy will think of your goods?  Too big?  Too fake?  Too small?

I don't know.  In this day and age, pics can go viral over text and the internet.  Do you want your goods exposed for all to see?

When I was about 18 years old, there was a guy that worked at the tuxedo rental store in the mall next to the store where I worked.  For some reason, he liked to pull his pee-pee out and wag it around quite frequently.  In my opinion, it wasn't all that good looking, and was a little offensive.  I really was curious as to why he would whip it out and wag it around all the time...  I'm still curious about that one...

When I was around 19, I went on vacation with two friends to Palm Springs.  This was during the time when the ONLY place to be for Spring Break was in Palm Springs.  One of the friends' boyfriends came to visit us while we were there.  Silly me left my camera laying around, and the boyfriend took a few snaps of his pee-pee.  This was before the digital camera age, and I only discovered the pee-pee pic after getting my film (yes, film) developed.  While I was the recipient of the pee-pee pic because it was taken with my camera, I don't know if I was the actual intended recipient.

I've been shown pee-pee pics that friends have received, and honestly, they literally make me laugh out loud.  There is something a little nasty, forbidden, audacious, and presumptuous about it.  And, they are funny.  Really funny.  Laugh out loud funny.

Since the modern texting era, the closest I've come to receiving a pee-pee pic from a guy is a pic of a guy without a shirt on.   Very PG in my opinion.  It actually made me laugh out loud when I received it.

I've never sent a pee-pee pic, nor do I plan to (especially one where you can see my face or other unique identifying marks).  I prefer to see and show the goods in person.  I'll continue to laugh uncontrollably when friends share the pee-pee pics that they receive though.  It's great comic relief.

What do you think?

Until next time.